A severe burn injury is one of the most traumatic, life altering injuries a person can suffer. Besides the unbearable pain, severe burn injuries in Long Island, NY can lead to permanent scarring as well as loss of limbs. Severe burn or fire injuries in Garden City, NY, may also result in disability, making gainful employment impossible. To receive fair compensation for damages, lost wages, and hospital bills, trust in the burn injury attorney at the Law Offices of Frederick Altschuler.
With 50 years of combined experience, our seasoned lawyers are quick to get results. Schedule a free consultation today so you can talk to our personal Injury attorney about your burn accident.
Hands-On Attorneys Handle Your Burn Accident Case
Serious injuries from burns can result from fire, but also from auto accidents, chemical spills, defective hot water heaters, and explosions. Often, people sustain burns while on the job, perhaps in kitchen accidents or restaurant accidents.
We want you to know that our attorneys are hands-on with your case from beginning to end. It is not our practice to hand off the work to someone else. Our lawyers investigate the burn injuries in Long Island, NY do the research, file all necessary paperwork, and meet with our clients. This way, we know everything about your burn accident and can work more effectively to achieve a favorable outcome.
Types of Burns
Burn injuries are classified by severity:
First Degree Burn – A first degree burn affects the outer layer of the skin and can cause redness, swelling and pain. This usually resolves with rest and application of creams
Second Degree Burn – A second degree burn is more intense and painful than first degree. here, the burn goes all the way to the second layer of skin called the dermis. These burns require medical attention and can be very painful.
Third Degree Burn – This is the most severe type of burn. A third degree burn destroys the first 2 layers of skin and burns down to the 3rd level called the subcutaneous. This type of burn can cause severe, painful, long lasting health complications.
There are many ways a person can receive a sever burn injury. Among them are:
- Kitchen accidents
- Restaurant accidents
- Electrical burn
- Scald burn
- Thermal burn
- Chemical burn
Injuries From Burn Accident
Injuries from a burn accident are severe and can include:
- Permanent Scarring
- Emotional trauma
- Permanent disfigurement
- Organ Damage
- Sensitivity to temperature changes
As a personal injury law firm, we believe in responsibility. Our attorneys are dedicated to ensuring that those who wronged you through fire injuries in Garden City, NY their negligence are made to pay for their actions. We will negotiate and litigate to see that you receive fair compensation for medical bills, rehabilitation costs, pain & suffering, and lost wages.
Contact us or call us at 516-746-7600 today to serve as your advocate for your burn injury case. Our lawyers provide capable and compassionate legal service to clients in Long Island, Garden City, and all five boroughs of New York City.